The University of Northern Iowa completed the Foundations of Excellence® First Year self-study in May 2009. Due to the success of the first-year study, the multiple requests for a similar study focused on the transfer student experience, and the significant number of transfer students in the UNI student body, UNI has decided to engage in a similar study of the transfer student program (Foundations of Excellence® Transfer Focus).
Using the model provided by the John Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education, committees comprised of faculty, staff, and students will systematically evaluate UNI’s policies, practices, and procedures related to transfer students. Using the outcomes of the evaluation, the committees will develop priorities and an action plan to improve UNI’s transfer program.
UNI intends to complete the Foundations of Excellence® Transfer Focus study (FoE-TF) by spring 2011. A FoE-TF Steering Committee comprised of faculty, staff, and students was developed and charged in February 2010. During the spring 2010 semester, faculty, staff, and students were surveyed regarding their perceptions of UNI’s transfer program. The Steering Committee is in the process of forming the nine dimension committees needed for the study. The FoE-TF co-chairs will provide committees with an overview of the study process and other foundational information during summer 2010 and the bulk of the study will be completed during the fall 2010 semester. The co-chairs will complete the final report and facilitate the prioritization of action steps during the spring 2011 semester.